One Star Quests
No. Name Objective Location Reward Contract Fee Notes
1/9 Basics: Finding Raw Meat Deliver 2 pcs of Raw Meat Forest and Hills 100z 0z
2/9 Basics: Preparing Meat Deliver 1 Well-Done Steak Forest and Hills 100z 0z
3/9 Basics: Searching for Items Deliver 2 Herbs and 1 Spiderweb Forest and Hills 100z 0z
4/9 Basics: Combining Items Deliver 2 Potions Forest and Hills 100z 0z
5/9 Basics: Fishing Deliver 1 Sushifish Forest and Hills 100z 0z
6/9 Your First Monster Hunt! Hunt 3 Velociprey Forest and Hills 300z 100z
7/9 Mushroom Picking Deliver 7 Special Mushrooms Forest and Hills 210z 90z
8/9 Present for the Armorer Deliver 5 Kelbi Horns Forest and Hills 200z 100z
9/9 Raid the Wyvern's Nest Deliver 1 Wyvern Egg Forest and Hills 350z 100z Rathalos is also present in this quest
Urgent! The Formidable Velocidrome Hunt 1 Velocidrome Forest and Hills 800z 150z

Two Star QuestsEdit Two Star Quests section

Two Star Quests
No. Name Objective Location Reward Contract Fee Notes
1/9 The Great Jungle Kut-Ku Hunt 1 Yian Kut-Ku Jungle 1500z 200z
2/9 Slay the Velociprey! Hunt 10 White Velociprey Forest and Hills 600z 130z
3/9 Liver of Legend! Deliver 3 Piscine Livers Desert 1200z 150z
4/9 The Formidable Velocidrome Hunt 1 Velocidrome Forest and Hills 800z 150z Urgent for unlocking 2-Star Quests.
5/9 The Furball Arena Hunt 25 Felyne Arena 1000z 200z Melynx are also present in the Arena.
6/9 Slay the Great Kut-Ku Hunt 1 Blue Yian Kut-Ku Forest and Hills 1800z 300z
7/9 Trouble in the Forest Hunt 10 Bullfango Forest and Hills 900z 150z
8/9 Attack of the Giant Bugs! Hunt 30 Vespoid Jungle 800z 250z
9/9 Crystal Hunting Deliver 1 Sootstone Ore Swamp 3000z 100z
Urgent! The Land Shark Hunt 1 Cephadrome Desert 1200z 250z

Three Star QuestsEdit Three Star Quests section

Three Star Quests
No. Name Objective Location Reward Contract Fee Notes
1/11 Catch a Yian Kut-Ku Capture 1 Yian Kut-Ku Forest and Hills 1800z 220z Killing Yian Kut Ku in this quest will fail the quest.
2/11 Slay the Velociprey Pack! Slay 20 Velociprey Forest and Hills 500z 200z Yian Garuga is also present in this quest.
3/11 Velocidrome Redux! Slay 2 Velocidrome Forest and Hills 900z 220z Rathalos is also present in this quest.
4/11 The Land Shark Hunt 1 Cephadrome Desert 1200z 250z Urgent for unlocking 3-Star Quests.
5/11 Bring Me Eggs! Deliver 3 Herbivore Eggs Desert 1500z 200z Rathian is also present in the quest.
6/11 More Coal Please Deliver 10 pcs Coal Jungle 1000z 100z Iodrome and Yian Kut-Ku are also present in this quest
7/11 Slay the Genprey! Hunt 20 Genprey Swamp 900z 200z Basarios is also present in this quest.
8/11 Slay the Gendrome! Hunt 2 Gendrome Swamp 1200z 250z
9/11 Ioprey Hunting Hunt 20 Ioprey Jungle 1000z 220z Blue Yian Kut Ku is also present in this quest.
10/11 Slay the Gypceros! Hunt 1 Gypceros Swamp 2000z 300z
11/11 Wyvern Egg Hunt! Deliver 2 Wyvern Eggs Jungle 3200z 200z Rathian is also present in this quest.
Urgent! The Rage of Yian Garuga Damage and Repel the Yian Garuga as best you can. Forest and Hills 3000z 500z Damage done in this quest carries over to the next quest.
Urgent! Attack of the Rathalos Hunt 1 Rathalos Forest and Hills 3000z 500z

Four Star QuestsEdit Four Star Quests section

Four Star Quests
No. Name Objective Location Reward Contract Fee Notes
1/11 The Plague of Yian Kut-Ku Survive until Time Over or Deliver the Paw Pass Ticket Forest and Hills 900z 300z A minimum of 2 Yian Kut-Ku must be slain in order to successfully complete the quest.
2/11 Fang of the Iodrome! Hunt 3 Iodrome Jungle 1200z 300z
3/11 Attack of the Rathalos Hunt 1 Rathalos Forest and Hills 3000z 500z Urgent for unlocking 4-Star Quests.
4/11 The Smoke Clad King Hunt 1 Azure Rathalos Volcano 3600z 600z
5/11 Catch a Rathalos Capture 1 Rathalos Forest and Hills 4500z 400z
6/11 Deliver Three Wyvern Eggs Deliver 3 Wyvern Eggs Forest and Hills 4500z 300z Rathalos is also present in this quest.
7/11 Basarios: Unseen Peril Hunt 1 Basarios Volcano 2400z 300z
8/11 Queen of the Desert Hunt 1 Rathian Desert 2700z 350z
9/11 Queen of the Jungle Hunt 1 Pink Rathian Jungle 3300z 350z "Queen of the Desert" must be completed in order to unlock this Quest.
10/11 The Fierce Flaming Rathian Hunt 1 Rathian Forest and Hills 2700z 350z
11/11 Slay the Rathian! Hunt 1 Pink Rathian Swamp 3300z 350z "The Fierce Flaming Rathian" must be completed in order to unlock this Quest.
Urgent! Terror of the Gravios Hunt 1 Gravios Volcano 4800z 600z

Five Star QuestsEdit Five Star Quests section

Five Star Quests
No. Name Objective Location Reward Contract Fee Notes
1/10 Water Wyvern in the Desert Hunt 1 Plesioth Desert 3600z 400z
2/10 Bring me a Plesioth! Capture 1 Plesioth Jungle 4500z 300z
3/10 Water Wyvern in the Jungle Hunt 1 Green Plesioth Jungle 4000z 500z "Water Wyvern in the Desert" must be completed in order to unlock this Quest.
4/10 The Wyvern in the Dark Hunt 1 Khezu Jungle 3600z 400z
5/10 Get me a Live Khezu Capture 1 Khezu Swamp 4500z 300z
6/10 Terror of the Gravios Hunt 1 Gravios Volcano 4800z 600z Urgent for unlocking 5-Star Quests.
7/10 Danger! Fierce Gravios Hunt 1 Black Gravios Swamp 5400z 500z
8/10 Handle With Care! Deliver 1 Powderstone Volcano 4500z 300z Gravios is also present in this Quest.
9/10 A Troublesome Pair Hunt 1 Rathian and 1 Rathalos Forest and Hills 9000z 1000z
10/10 Ultimate Ore Mining? Survive until Time Over or Deliver the Paw Pass Ticket Volcano 3200z 450z A minimum of 2 Basarios must be slain in order to successfully complete this Quest.
Urgent! Horn of the Monoblos Hunt 1 Monoblos Desert 4200z 800z

Urgent QuestsEdit Urgent Quests section

Urgent Quests
No. Name Objective Location Reward Contract Fee Notes
1/9 Horn of the Monoblos Hunt 1 Monoblos Desert 4200z 800z Urgent for unlocking final Urgent Quests.
2/9 Horn of the Monoblos Hunt 1 White Monoblos Desert 4800z 900z
3/10 The Runaway Diablos Hunt 1 Diablos Desert 4200z 800z
4/9 A Troublesome Pair Hunt 1 Pink Rathian and 1 Azure Rathalos Swamp 10500z 1300z
5/9 Four Horns Hunt 2 Diablos Desert 9900z 1240z "The Runaway Diablos" must be completed in order to unlock this Quest.
6/9 Giant Wyvern Invasion Protect the fortress against Lao-Shan Lung Fortress 8100z 1200z Quest unlocked after clearing all Village Quests.
Additional Failure Condition: the Quest is failed if the fort is destroyed.
Lao-Shan Lung can be either repelled or killed.
7/9 Wyverns of Land and Sky Hunt 1 Gold Rathian and 1 Silver Rathalos Great Arena 18000z 3000z Quest unlocked after completing "Giant Wyvern Invasion"
8/9 The Legendary Kirin Hunt 1 Kirin Jungle 4800z 800z Quest appears randomly.
9/9 The Rage of Yian Garuga Damage and Repel the Yian Garuga as Best You Can Forest and Hills 3000z 500z Quest becomes available in the 3-Star Quests. Damage carries over to subsequent encounters, even if failed.
9/9 Revenge of the Garuga Damage and Repel the Yian Garuga as Best You Can Forest and Hills 3000z 500z


One Star QuestsEdit One Star Quests section

One Star Quests
No. Name Objective Location Reward Contract Fee Notes
1/11 Gathering - Forest and Hills Survive until Time Over or Deliver the Paw Pass Ticket Forest and Hills 12z 0z
2/11 Gathering - Desert Zone Survive until Time Over or Deliver the Paw Pass Ticket Desert 12z 0z
3/11 Gathering - Jungle Zone Survive until Time Over or Deliver the Paw Pass Ticket Jungle 12z 0z
4/11 Attack of the Yian Kut-Ku Hunt 1 Yian Kut-Ku Forest and Hills 2160z 150z
5/11 The Velociprey Lords Hunt 3 Velocidrome Forest and Hills 1300z 100z
6/11 The Lady Gourmet Deliver 10 Piscine Livers Desert 1100z 100z
7/11 Leaders of the Genprey Hunt 3 Gendrome Desert 1600z 100z
8/11 Panning for Goldenfish Deliver 5 Goldenfish Swamp 2400z 100z Rathian is also present in this quest
9/11 Jungle Menace Hunt 1 Blue Yian Kut-Ku Jungle 1800z 120z
10/11 The Mushroom Hunt! Deliver 20 Special Mushrooms Jungle 2400z 100z
11/11 Catch a Yian Ku-Ku Capture 1 Yian Kut-Ku Forest and Hills 2400z 100z

Two Star QuestsEdit Two Star Quests section

Two Star Quests
No. Name Objective Location Reward Contract Fee Notes
1/9 Gathering - Swamp Zone Survive until Time Over or Deliver the Paw Pass Ticket Swamp 12z 0z
2/9 Gathering - Volcanic Zone Survive until Time Over or Deliver the Paw Pass Ticket Volcano 12z 0z
3/9 Gypceros: Venomous Terror Hunt 1 Gypceros Forest and Hills 2400z 130z
4/9 Attack of Rathian Hunt 1 Rathian Forest and Hills 2700z 150z
5/9 Queen of the Desert Hunt 1 Pink Rathian Desert 1300z 100z "Attack of the Rathian" must be completed in order to unlock this Quest.
6/9 The Land Shark Hunt 1 Cephadrome Desert 1100z 100z
7/9 Basarios: Unseen Peril Hunt 1 Basarios Volcano 2400z 150z
8/9 Leaders of the Iopery Hunt 3 Iodrome Volcano 2000z 120z
9/9 Catch a Gypceros Capture 1 Gypceros Swamp 3600z 100z

Three Star QuestsEdit Three Star Quests section

Three Star Quests
No. Name Objective Location Reward Contract Fee Notes
1/10 Slay the Rathalos! Hunt 1 Rathalos Forest and Hills 3300z 160z
2/10 The Smoke Clad King Hunt 1 Azure Rathalos Volcano 3900z 180z "Slay the Rathalos!" must be completed in order to unlock this Quest.
3/10 The Runaway Diablos Hunt 1 Diablos Desert 360z 150z
4/10 The Shadow in the Cave Hunt 1 Khezu Swamp 3000z 150z
5/10 The Fearsome Gravios Hunt 1 Gravios Swamp 3600z 160z
6/10 Slay the Rathian! Hunt 1 Rathian Swamp 3000z 160z
7/10 Water Wyvern in the Jungle Hunt 1 Plesioth Jungle 3000z 160z
8/10 Catch a Rathalos Capture 1 Rathalos Forest and Hills 5000z 100z
9/10 The Plague of Yian Kut-Ku Survive until Time Over or Deliver Paw Pass Ticket. Forest and Hills 1200z 350z A minimum of 2 Yian Kut-Ku must be slain in order to successfully complete the quest.
10/10 A Giant Dragon Invades! Repel the Lao-Shan Lung Fortress 6200z 1580z Quest unlocked after clearing all other three star quests
Additional Failure Condition: the Quest is failed if the fort is destroyed.

Four Star QuestsEdit Four Star Quests section

Four Star Quests
No. Name Objective Location Reward Contract Fee Notes
1/22 Gathering - Forest and Hills Survive until Time Over or Deliver Paw Pass Ticket. Forest and Hills 12z 0z
2/22 Gathering - Desert Zone Survive until Time Over or Deliver Paw Pass Ticket. Desert 12z 0z
3/22 Gathering - Swamp Zone Survive until Time Over or Deliver Paw Pass Ticket. Swamp 12z 0z Gypceros is also present in this quest
4/22 Gathering - Jungle Zone Survive until Time Over or Deliver Paw Pass Ticket. Jungle 12z 0z
5/22 Mosswine Arena Hunt 50 Mosswine Arena 2100z 200z
6/22 The Velociprey Lords Hunt 3 Velocidrome Forest and Hills 2100z 200z
7/22 Queen of the Desert Hunt 1 Rathian Desert 3300z 300z
8/22 The Land Shark Hunt 1 Cephadrome Desert 3300z 300z
9/22 Apceros Egg Hunt Deliver 3 Herbivore Eggs Desert 4500z 300z Rathian is also present in this quest
10/22 Panning for Goldenfish Deliver 5 Goldenfish Swamp 4500z 300z Rathian is also present in this quest
11/22 Trouble in the Swamp Hunt 1 Gypceros Swamp 3300z 350z
12/22 Quartz Ore Request Deliver 3 pcs Quartz Ore Swamp 4500z 300z Rathian is also present in this quest
13/22 Slay the Gendrome! Hunt 3 Gendrome Swamp 2400z 200z
14/22 The Storm of Yian Kut-Ku How many Kut-Ku can you slay before time runs out? Arena 1500z 450z Additional Failure Condition: Kill less than 2 Kut-Ku.
15/22 Attack of the Giant Bugs Hunt 50 Vespoid Jungle 1500z 250z
16/22 Jungle Menace Hunt 1 Yian Kut-Ku Jungle 3000z 300z
17/22 Attack of the Yian Kut-Ku Hunt 1 Blue Yian Kut-Ku Forest and Hills 3600z 450z
18/22 Catch a Yian Kut-Ku Capture 1 Yian Kut-Ku Forest and Hills 4500z 250z
19/22 Bring me a Plesioth! Capture 1 Plesioth Jungle 5400z 250z
20/22 Catch a Gypceros Capture 1 Gypceros Jungle 4500z 250z
21/22 The Illusion of Kut-Ku Hunt 1 Yian Kut-Ku Jungle 6400z 1600z Special Condition: No armor can be equipped on this quest
22/22 Revenge of the BBQ! How mant steaks can you make before time runs out? Jungle 100z 0z

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